Federico Sánchez (F) is a Colombian graphic designer based in Barcelona, currently pursuing a Master's in Visual Design at Elisava while simultaneously undertaking an internship at Mucho.

With a background in Industrial Design, he has experience in branding, visual design, typography, and creative and art direction. He has worked for six years in design studios such as La Valentina Design and Quid Design, as well as at a financial services startup called Ontop, which was his last position. In this role, he led both creative and copywriting teams.

In addition to his professional experience, Federico has also undertaken freelance projects.

He is particularly interested in the use of color, type, and rules to develop clean and robust flexible design systems.


(+34) 627 880 555
Barcelona - Spain




Brand uplift for Frubana, recognized as one of the fastest-growing B2B startups in Latin America. It is currently revolutionizing the agriculture and restaurant industries, aspiring to become the One Stop Shop in the market, with operations in Mexico, Brazil, and Colombia.

Through the strategic application of design, language, and graphics, the team aimed to portray the innovative, technological, and approachable essence of the brand. Utilizing modern graphic attributes, the objective was to convey to the audience that Frubana transcends being merely a provider of fruits and vegetables.

Designed at La Valentina Design®
Strategic Direction: Juan Fernando Arévalo Creative Direction: Federico Sánchez, Juan Fernando Arévalo Designers: Federico Sánchez, Juan Fernando Arévalo

Creative Direction